Patti’s dynamic energy and passion brought her from Social Dancer to Amateur Performer, to Elite Amateur Competitor, Professional Competitor, right on through to her current status as one of the countries’ most sought after adjudicator, coach, chairperson & invigilator.
She is the recipient of numerous championship titles in both International Latin & American Rhythm styles. She has choreographed and performed on stage and has been involved with several TV and movie productions, such as, A Tribute to Gershwin, Wallflowering, Marconi Brothers, All My Children and Yo’Yo Ma’s: Soul of the Tango.
When she’s not serving as an Official at one of the many USA Dance Championship and WDSF events, Patti can be found volunteering on numerous committees to help dancers and USA Dance. 22 years ago, she founded the NY DanceSport Centre on Long Island. In total she has been dancing for 47 years and teaching professionally for 41. Four years ago, she co-founded Roll Call Wheelchair Dance LLC after becoming a certified teacher for Roll Call Wheelchair Dance. She has been working with people of all ages, and abilities for numerous years and enjoys touring the country coaching, adjudicating, invigilating & sharing her joy & knowledge of Ballroom dance.
Ask about and attend a "Shared Axis" class from Patti that you will never forget. Patti will be teaching this class at the Dance Camp on Sunday.
L.I.S.T.D, M.U.S.T.A, Lifetime member of Dance Educators of America
WDSF Licensed Chairperson of Judges
WDSF "A” Licensed World Class Adjudicator
WDSF - Absolute Judging System 3.0
WDSF World Standard & Latin Show dance Adjudicator
USA Dance Adjudicator, Scrutineer & Invigilator
USA Dance Collegiate Network Director